Offers Functionality Demo Plan

This plan is a demo for the Paythen offers functionality. For demo purposes, you will receive the offer via email immediately once you sign up. When you use offers, you would set them up based on 50% or 80%, etc payment plan progress.  You can complete payment on this page using these test card details:

4000 0003 6000 0006
Expiry: 04/26
CVC: 111

PLEASE NOTE: Apple Pay & Google Pay might display below but will not work on this demo link. They do work on live plans though.

Use an actual working email below, to get the offer email, just like your customers would if you use Paythen. If you have any questions - just ask us via the chat icon or email

All amounts are in USD
  • 4 weekly payments starting now

    $100 x 4
  • Total payment plan cost

  • What you pay today


Checkbox-checked Please read and accept these terms to continue

Your data is processed securely using SSL and AES-256 encryption. We use Paythen to manage and process payments.