Cardivo Paythen Payment Plan Demo

This is an example payment page where customers can redeem Cardivo Gift Cards.
First send yourself a demo gift card here (in USD) and once you have a gift card number, you'll be able to apply it on this demo plan page.

Once you've applied your gift card, you'll need to enter this card information too:

4000 0003 6000 0006
Expiry: 04/26
CVC: 111

If you use an actual working email below, you'll get the email with payment dates and more info, just like your customers would. If you have any questions - just ask us via the chat icon or email

All amounts are in USD
  • 4 weekly payments starting now

    $100 x 4
  • Setup fee (paid today)

    + $50
  • Total payment plan cost

  • What you pay today


Checkbox-checked Please read and accept these terms to continue

Your data is processed securely using SSL and AES-256 encryption. We use Paythen to manage and process payments.